Beloved Journey of Beloved Prophet PBUH


The Night of Miraj is that in which our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH has an important journey.

 In this journey, the beloved Prophet has been taken on a tour of a world which is actually hidden from our eyes. 

Dear kids! one night our beloved Prophet was sleeping .when Angel Gabriel came to the beloved Prophet with an army of fifty thousand angels. He also had a ride with him called Buraq. Buraq's ride was a special ride with many features. Dear children, you must have heard about the speed of light. This ride was faster than the speed of lightning. Which could take him far in the blink of an eye .The literal meaning of the word "Buraq" is electricity, isn't it fun! 

So the first stop of this journey was in Al-Aqsa Mosque where all the Prophets prayed under the leadership of the beloved Prophet The second stage of this journey was the flight to the sky world

The beloved journey of the beloved Prophet was in progress, holding the reins of Hazrat Jibreel Buraq, with fifty thousand angels going to the sky . First, the ride stopped,On the  first sky where Hazrat Adam welcomed the beloved Prophet PBUH.On the second sky where  Hazrat Isa. On the third sky  Hazrat Yousaf. iOn the fourth sky Hazrat Adreas  .On the fifth sky  Hazrat  Haron .On the sixth sky Hazrat Musa and On Seventh Hazrat Ibrahim aslo welcomed by Muhammad PBUH.

After that came the stop of Sidrat al-Muntahi where Hazrat Jibraeel stopped and said, Messenger of Allah I do not have the strength to move any further. Beloved Prophet's journey to Arsh Elahe started from here. Allah Almighty gave him the reward which was not given to any other prophet. In the same journey, five daily prayers were also made obligatory and apart from this, many unique things were also shown to you, including Paradise and Hell.

Beloved prophet s beloved  Journey was over.


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