*Lahore Resolution*

*Lahore Resolution* By Dr Faiza

Lahore Resolution was passed in 1940 thus was passed by the MUSLIMS for the demand for a separate state Pakistan. Both Allama Iqbal and Ch. Rehmat Ali had built upon the views of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his two nation theory. But Mr Jinnah was not in favour of a separate state and wanted MUSLIMS and Hindus to be  united standing erect as a strong front ahead of the British,however, after the Congress Tyranny Rule of 1937-1940 Mr Jinnah came to comprehend that the Hindus and the Muslims could not live together due to polarity created by a vast gulf in their religious and traditional credence.Moving forward Mr Jinnah then endeavoured and strived hard to help MUSLIMS gain the independence which was their right.Maulvi Fazl ul Haq who was the premier of Bengal put forward the Resolution where he demanded for an independent MUSLIM STATE.The Resolution was passed on 23 March which is now a national holiday for Pakistan . It was passed unanimously and soon came to be known as Lahore Resolution. However the Hindus started calling it Pakistan Resolution and so that title was adopted. 

All filth and suppression set aside all the leaders of the Muslim League and the commoners strived profoundly to gain their right and have  a nation of their own where their principles were safe guarded.All the leaders of the Muslim league worked hard together to fulfil their dreams many had to give sacrifice people were killed there were massacres bur that did not stop the MUSLIMS to give up on their dreams for which they worked hard. 

Today 23rd March of every year people celebrate this day and are proud of their leaders and their past. They are appreciated and it further encourages the Pakistan to work hard for a better today and a better tomorrow. But the condition of Pakistan is the same as it was of the Pakistanis before partition people have destroyed everything due to the corrupt leaders and the slavery of the west yet again.Yet again we swerve in the era of ignorance forgetting of beliefs and traditions and following the trends set by the west blindly that have brought no good to us MUSLIMS neither in the past nor in the present.As a student and a patriotic citizen of PAKISTAN(a nation that was built upon the name of ISLAM) one must gain education and set Higher standards and goals. In addition to this every individual should practise gratitude and ponder over the  Quranic teachings as its their duty. As employees one must be honest with his dealings and look forward to sacrificing for others. As politicians one must not be corrupt. Every MUSLIM should support a just ruler for the welfare of his people so we may thrive and lead the generations of tomorrow.


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