The Battle of Badr

 ```The battle of Badr```

 ```Khadija Amjad``` 

It was the 17th of Ramadan 2 AH, when this battle was fought. It was the first battle fought by the Muslims in the History of Islam. The Quraish used all sorts of things to harm the Muslims in Madina as they were not happy on the peaceful settlement of the Muslims and establishment of an Islamic State. One day a Makkan trade caravan of weapons belonging to Abu Sufyan was coming from Syria through Madinah.  Abu Sufyan was the leader of the caravan. The Prophet PBUH decided to intercept the caravan. When Abu Sufyan got to know about this news he sent a messager to Makkah and  asked the Makkan chiefs and  Abu Jahal for help. Abu Jahal immediately departed with 1000 men toward the field of Badr. Later Abu Sufyan sent another message to Abu Jahal that they didn't want any help as the Caravan had escaped the Muslims. But Abu Jahal wanted to punish the Muslims so that they would not intercept in any caravan in the future. The Prophet PBUH then gathered an army of only 313 men and marched towards Badr which was 80 miles from Madinah. When the Muslims reached there the Quraish had already captured the place of advantage while the Muslims got a place with sandy soil that caused their feet to sink into the ground as well as of their animals too. But Allah sent down His mercy upon the Muslims and made them sleep. Then it also rained which caused the sandy soil to become firm. The small reservoirs were improvised with water to drink. The Prophet PHUH stayed up all night pondering over the situation, he said "Oh Allah if this small band of men perish there will be no one alive to worship you and your faith will destroyed forever." Allah indeed accepted the prayers of the Prophet PBUH. Allah said "Remember when ye implored assistance from your Lord and he answered you I will assist you with a thousand angels ranks on ranks." The next day the Prophet PBUH set up his army as  great military expert. 

It was an Arab custom that three men from each side of the army would come forward to fight first The Prophet PBUH sent Hazrat Ali (RA) , Hazrat Hamza (RA) and Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haritha (RA). From the Quraish side Uthba, Sheba and Waleed came forward. Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hamza (RA) killed their opponent while Ubaidah (RA) lost his leg while fighting. But killed his enemy.

 On seeing three of the Quraish men killed the army burst out and ran towards the Muslims. When the came close enough the Prophet PBUH took a hand full of dust and threw on the Quraish saying "Let their faces be disfigured." The sand went into the eyes of the Quraish warriors  and on this Allah said in the Quran ,"And threw not when you did throw but Allah threw." The battle began with Muslims in favour as many Quraish men were killed including their major leaders. The battle ended with Muslims favour. A large amount of booty fell into the hands of the Muslims which was distributed equally. 

 This was the first battle fought by the Muslims and it paved way for future conquests.

Allah (SWT) described this battle in the Quran in Surah Al Furqan as the Day that distinguished between truth and falsehood.


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