Sunnat e Ibrahimi

*Sunnat e Ibrahimi*

Khadija Amjad

Sarah returned home from school exhausted and tired, but she was still really happy as finally she was having her summer vacations during which she had planned a lot of things. The first thing Sarah wanted to do was listen to a story from her grandfather. She and her little brother rushed into their grandfather's room.

"Oh, my little grandchildren, you are really excited to listen to a story, but before I tell you one, you need to change your clothes, wash your faces, and bring your lunch so I can tell you the story while you eat," their grandfather said.

Eager to listen to the story their grandfather was going to tell them, they went to their rooms, got dressed, and with their plates in their hands, they returned to their grandfather's room.

"So, as you know, there are only a few days left until Eid Ul Adha. Do you know why we celebrate it?" The kids looked puzzled, and eventually Sarah's brother, Ali, spoke up. "Because Allah told us to have fun and enjoy the Eid day." 

Grandfather replied, "Hmm... almost correct, but the real reason is because it is the Sunnah of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) always longed for a child. He was blessed with a child at a very old age, which was a kind of miracle. But then, after many years, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) dreamt that he was sacrificing something very precious to him in the way of Allah. For many days, he had this dream until one day he sacrificed 100 camels in the way of Allah. However, the dream persisted. Eventually, he understood what the most precious thing to him was: Hazrat Ismail (AS), his son."

When he told his son about the dream, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), his son, replied, "I will accept anything that my God has permitted us to do." Then one night, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) decided to sacrifice his son in the way of Allah.

"Oh no, it means that Hazrat Ibrahim would kill his son, who was born after many years," Sarah said with a sad expression.

"No, he wasn't killing him; he was sacrificing him in the way of Allah, just as we do every year on Eid ul Adha," explained their grandfather. "Okay, then tell us what happened after he decided to sacrifice Hazrat Ismail (AS)," Ali asked impatiently.

"Hazrat Ibrahim sharpened his knife, then he laid Hazrat Ismail on the ground. He covered his eyes with a piece of cloth because he couldn't bear to see the death of his son. He slaughtered the ram. When he took off the cloth, he was surprised to see that his son was standing in front of him, and the thing he had cut was a ram. By Allah's miracle, Allah ordered the angel to place a ram instead of Hazrat Ismail. And due to this, every year till today, this practice is continued in remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim and Ismail (AS). After this incident, Allah named Hazrat Ibrahim Khalil Ullah and Hazrat Ismail (AS) Ziba Ullah. So, this is the history of why we celebrate this Eid and sacrifice animals. Now go and finish your lunch, and tomorrow I will tell you another story."


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