
Showing posts from March, 2023

The woman of dignity

 The woman of dignity Khadija Amjad  Hazrat Khadija Binte Khuwaylid was the first wife of the Prophet PBUH. She was a business women of  honor , her character and her personality. She was married before and had children too but was twice widowed. When she dealt with the Prophet PBUH she used hhe Prophet PBUH to take care of her business to Syria she was impressed by hhe Prophet's PBUH honesty and truthfulness due to which she proposed the Prophet PBUH to marry her which the Prophet PBUH and his family accepted. She just did this due to the Prophet PBUH honesty and truthfulness as the Prophet PBUH was not even rich and there was also alot of age difference, the Prophet PBUH was 25 years old while Hazrat Khadija (RA) was 40. Hazrat Ali (RA) reported that "The best woman in their time were two Hazrat Mariyam (RA) was best in her time and Hazrat Khadija (RA) was best in not only her time in Dunya but also in Akhira.  There was something very unique about her that no other Human Be

Quran is a Miracle

Introduction: The Quran is considered as the holy book of Islam, and it is believed to be the word of Allah (God) revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over a period of 23 years. Muslims all over the world consider the Quran as a miracle and a unique masterpiece of literature. This article explores some of the reasons why the Quran is considered a miracle of mankind. Preservation of the Quran: One of the unique features of the Quran is its preservation. Unlike other religious texts, the Quran has been preserved in its original form for over 1400 years. The Quran has been transmitted orally from generation to generation by memorization and recitation. Today, millions of Muslims around the world can recite the Quran in its original Arabic language, which is a testimony to its preservation. Linguistic Miracles: The Quranic language is known for its beauty, eloquence, and poetic style. The Quran contains numerous linguistic miracles that have fascinated scholars for centurie

The Battle of Badr

 ```The battle of Badr```  ```Khadija Amjad```  It was the 17th of Ramadan 2 AH, when this battle was fought. It was the first battle fought by the Muslims in the History of Islam. The Quraish used all sorts of things to harm the Muslims in Madina as they were not happy on the peaceful settlement of the Muslims and establishment of an Islamic State. One day a Makkan trade caravan of weapons belonging to Abu Sufyan was coming from Syria through Madinah.  Abu Sufyan was the leader of the caravan. The Prophet PBUH decided to intercept the caravan. When Abu Sufyan got to know about this news he sent a messager to Makkah and  asked the Makkan chiefs and  Abu Jahal for help. Abu Jahal immediately departed with 1000 men toward the field of Badr. Later Abu Sufyan sent another message to Abu Jahal that they didn't want any help as the Caravan had escaped the Muslims. But Abu Jahal wanted to punish the Muslims so that they would not intercept in any caravan in the future. The Prophet PBUH th

Ramdan Habit Making Month

  Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a holy month that is observed by Muslims worldwide. Fasting during this month is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is obligatory for all healthy and adult Muslims. However, Ramadan is much more than just abstaining from food and drink from dawn until sunset. It is a month of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and self-improvement. In fact, Ramadan is often referred to as the month of habit-making. During Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to develop good habits that can benefit them beyond the month-long fast. The 30 days of Ramadan provide an excellent opportunity to make positive changes and develop new habits that can last a lifetime. Here are some of the habits that Muslims strive to develop during Ramadan: Prayer: Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but during Ramadan, they are encouraged to pray more and to do so with more focus and concentration. Praying regularly helps to create a sense of calmness, mindfulne

*Lahore Resolution*

*Lahore Resolution* By Dr Faiza Lahore Resolution was passed in 1940 thus was passed by the MUSLIMS for the demand for a separate state Pakistan. Both Allama Iqbal and Ch. Rehmat Ali had built upon the views of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his two nation theory. But Mr Jinnah was not in favour of a separate state and wanted MUSLIMS and Hindus to be  united standing erect as a strong front ahead of the British,however, after the Congress Tyranny Rule of 1937-1940 Mr Jinnah came to comprehend that the Hindus and the Muslims could not live together due to polarity created by a vast gulf in their religious and traditional credence.Moving forward Mr Jinnah then endeavoured and strived hard to help MUSLIMS gain the independence which was their right.Maulvi Fazl ul Haq who was the premier of Bengal put forward the Resolution where he demanded for an independent MUSLIM STATE.The Resolution was passed on 23 March which is now a national holiday for Pakistan . It was passed unanimously and soon came

Ramdan 2023 Benefits

  Ramadan is a month of fasting observed by Muslims worldwide, and it has both spiritual and scientific benefits. Spiritual Benefits of Ramadan: Strengthening of faith: Ramadan provides an opportunity to strengthen one's faith through increased prayer, recitation of the Quran, and reflection on one's relationship with God. Practicing self-control: Fasting during Ramadan helps individuals develop self-control, patience, and discipline. Increased empathy: Fasting also provides an opportunity for individuals to empathize with those less fortunate, leading to increased acts of charity and kindness. Improved relationships: Ramadan emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, leading to improved relationships with others. Scientific Benefits of Ramadan: Improved insulin sensitivity: Fasting during Ramadan has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help prevent and manage type 2 diabetes. Weight loss: Fasting during Ramadan can also lead to weight loss, a

Popular Islamic Events in Ramdan

  Ramadan is a significant month in Islamic history, as several key events took place during this time. Here are some of the most notable Islamic historical events that occurred during the month of Ramadan: The revelation of the Quran: The Quran is the holy book of Islam and was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during Ramadan. It is believed that the first revelation occurred on Laylatul Qadr, one of the odd-numbered nights in the last ten days of Ramadan. The Battle of Badr: This was the first major battle fought by Muslims against the Meccans. It took place on the 17th of Ramadan in the second year of the Islamic calendar. The Muslims, though outnumbered, were victorious, and this battle is considered a turning point in Islamic history. The Treaty of Hudaibiya: This treaty was signed between the Muslims and the Meccans in the 6th year of the Islamic calendar. It was signed on the 6th of Ramadan and allowed the Muslims to visit Mecca for pilgrimage the following year. This treat

The Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes of Strawberries

 The Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes of Strawberries Strawberries have come into the market, and they look very charming and eye-catching. I am a strawberry lover. I like strawberry juice, strawberry cake, strawberry jam, and strawberry desserts Introduction to Strawberries Strawberries are one of the most popular and beloved fruits in the world. They are sweet, juicy, and packed with nutrients that offer numerous health benefits. Whether you eat them fresh, frozen, or as part of a recipe, strawberries are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal. Health Benefits of Strawberries Strawberries are not only delicious, but they are also packed with nutrients that offer a variety of health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent damage to cells and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Additionally, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which can boost the immune system and promote healthy skin. Strawberrie

Worlds Best Education System

When it comes to education systems, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each country has its own unique way of educating its citizens, and what works best for one country may not necessarily work for another. However, there are a few countries that stand out when it comes to having some of the best education systems in the world. One such country is Finland. Finland's education system has consistently been ranked as one of the best in the world for several years now. The system is based on the principle of equality, which means that every child in Finland is entitled to the same high-quality education, regardless of their socioeconomic background. This is achieved through a combination of factors, such as well-trained teachers, a focus on early childhood education, and a curriculum that places a strong emphasis on creativity and problem-solving. One of the key factors that sets Finland's education system apart is its teacher training program. All teachers in Finland are req

Ayate Shifa mentioned in the Quran

Surah Al-Fatiha: This is the first chapter of the Quran and is commonly recited as a prayer for healing, protection, and guidance. It is known as the "Mother of the Quran" and is considered a powerful supplication. Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255 (Ayatul Kursi): This verse is believed to offer protection and spiritual comfort, and is often recited for safety and security. Surah Al-Isra, verse 82: This verse is believed to offer protection against harm and evil, and is often recited for safety and security. Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas: These are the last two chapters of the Quran and are often recited for protection against evil, jealousy, and other negative influences. It is important to note that while these verses are believed to have spiritual and physical benefits, they should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment or professional advice. It is always important to seek appropriate medical care and follow the advice of qualified healthcare professionals. Ayte s